Thursday, July 14, 2011

This Belly Of Mine

I realize that when I say that my belly has a mind of it's own, it actually does... But the expression is still valid! Each day this child is getting stronger and stronger, and his kicks have a whole lot more umph than they used to. I've also decided that I'm pretty sure this baby doesn't curl up in a ball. He's full on sprawled out inside my belly. I'm constantly un-wedging his leg from underneath my ribs, while getting punched at the hip. I've definitely got an active child on my hands and Ray is already a proud father of his strong boy. haha... He loves that the baby is so active, but he's not on the receiving end of all these jabs. haha.

I must admit though... Lying down and watching my belly do all sorts of weird things is kind of entertaining. That is, until I get kicked in the bladder or the kidneys. haha.

This whole being pregnant thing is quite the unique experience. It's hard to believe that I've only got about 6 weeks left to go. Woot!!! Then I can (mostly) have my own body back! Yay!!! That also means that I'll be seeing my husband that soon, and together we'll be able to welcome our super active child into this world together. How exciting!

My mom is plenty excited too! She's been on a blanket making binge for the last few months. She finishes one and starts another one the very next day. She says she's making them for babies in the Ward, which in part is true, but I think its her way of coping with the anticipation of her upcoming grandchildren. I'm surprised at how well she's holding herself together! Cecilia's due date is in 4 days! I think I almost expected mom to be with Cecilia practically willing her womb into labor somehow.

I can see my dad's heart starting to melt at the thought of these two grandchildren of his too. Dad has a major weakness for newborns, and I think it's starting to hit him that he's gonna have privileged access to these two. He's getting excited in his own way. He even rubs my belly before heading off to bed. haha.

There are all sorts of things to look forward to. My own nesting instincts have started kicking in too. I went shopping the other day because I had a whole bunch of points collected so I could get a lot of free stuff from a drug store. So I started a stock pile of diapers. haha. Mom and Dad are also helping me out a lot because they just bought me a playard (not playPEN), stroller and car seat this week. I set up the playard in my room and it's waiting patiently at the side of my bed to be used by my little one soon. It's pretty neat to have that reminder in my room.

I decided that the best place for it was underneath the picture of Ray and I together. That way our little boy will wake up every morning to see his daddy watching over him. It's really important to me that our baby becomes familiar with Ray as his father after he has to go back to work in Colorado. I'll be showing him pictures and putting Ray on speakerphone when we're talking so that he can always feel connected. It's the best I can do while we're apart.

Ray and I were talking a few days ago about how we're coping with being apart right now. I totally give all the credit to the hope that comes from knowing the Plan of Salvation. It helps me look at things eternally, and when I think about being Ray's wife forever, it makes this time that we have to be apart seem shorter. So 50 years down the road we'll be telling our grandkids about this time and it'll seem like such a distant memory because we will have been long since reunited, making this time right now seem so insignificant.

I gave a talk last week at Church about that same thing. Maybe that's why right now I'm filled with hope, and not so full of despair like I was a week or two ago. The doctrine is refreshed within my soul and it's giving me lots of much needed strength.

My little brother gave me flack in his last email for not updating my blog at all last week. It's how he keeps track of me while he's out on his mission. So I hope this makes up for his obvious disappointment. haha. Life continues to go on, and I'm learning how to deal with it better. That and it seems like the people around me are becoming more understanding of me and the decisions I've made for my life. Thank goodness. It's making things that much easier.


  1. So are you trying to be an American citizen? Will that change (be easier or harder) when the baby gets here? Sorry you guys have to be apart...that is no fun :(

  2. Yeah for six weeks! Or maybe sooner ; ). And I believe here in the US we call it a pack-n-play not a playard or a playpen. It's exciting to get things out and ready! Good Luck with EVERYTHING!
