Wednesday, July 13, 2011


That's right. I am THAT cool. It's pretty much common knowledge that I have never grown out of my boy band phase. haha. So when you've got New Kids on the Block touring WITH Backstreet Boys, that's pure boy band heaven! I even remember thinking during the height of my BSB mania that it would be such a genius franchise idea to put the two bands together because that would just be awesome with even more awesome piled on top. Well clearly they read my mind, because here they are together on one stage. So. Friggin. Amazing. And as if that wasn't enough, the opener was even incredible! It was Matthew Morrison, better known as Mr. Scheuster from GLEE!!! HAHA!!!

Crystal and I had our own pre-show star sighting. As we were walking towards the arena, we walked past all the tour busses, and we saw some guys playing with remote control cars. We realized that one of the guys was AJ! The Backstreet Boy AJ!!! Nobody else around us really seemed to notice, so we didn't make a scene or anything. We both were kind of in shock actually... That was AJ!! We were 20ft away from him!!! Looking back, I should have gotten him to pose for a picture... but I didn't. Missed opportunity on my part, but whatever. The memory of it all is still there and it makes me laugh.

As Crystal put it, the whole night attracted "quarter agers". No teenagers, no middle agers, just an arena full of 22 - 35 year olds. Because lets be honest. Backstreet Boys are old news to all the "Beliebers" out there. Fine by me! Young teenyboppers are the worst! On the other hand, a whole bunch of women gathering to relive the good ol teenybopper days is way entertaining! There seems to be less life-threatening chaos. haha.

Crystal and I also decided after the show had started that all of the members of NKOTBSB are in their physical prime. haha. They're out of their awkward, lanky teenager stage and are actual grown ups now. It was quite visually pleasing. haha... However. My husband deserves the recognition that he's still more attractive then all of them. I'm not sure if he always believes me because he said to me once "Why don't you ever scream like that for me?..." but my point still stands! Husband trumps boy band no matter how pretty they are! Got it Ray??? I do not lie!!!

The concert itself was incredible. It wasn't both bands on stage the whole time like I thought it was going to be. Both bands took turns singing songs, which I thought was genius, and they had a few songs that they all sang together. But for the most part they were separate. That way we got to enjoy New Kids songs  and BSB songs as I already knew them. So satisfying!

Also, I wasn't the only pregnant one there. Whew!!!

Here are some pictures from the night!

Matthew Morrison playing the ukelele!

My teenage dreams have come true!!! Two legendary boy bands. One stage!!!


New Kids

The big screens were really clear, so I got some sweet pictures from them.

They've totally still got moves. I was impressed with their dance skills.

I thought this picture was kinda cool, since my camera focused on a hand in the air instead of the stage.

Sing it Joey!!! Also. Best sign I saw of the night said "Joey, Lets Wife Swap!" haha! 

Brian was such a crowd pleaser. He was always waving and touching fans hands more than anyone else. So adorable.

Howie definitely got less funny looking. I think it's because he chopped off that weird ponytail of his.

Nick also aged well...

They look so... boy band-y...

This guy was hilarious. He was dressed all in white, holding a sign that said "Official BSB Stunt Double" haha! All the power to ya man...

Whoever threw this bra on stage put A LOT of work into it. haha. Donny (after ripping his tank top off and throwing it into the crowd) picked up the bra and hung it on his microphone stand. I thought it was kinda funny...

If only I could read minds... The look on Jordan's face is priceless.

More awesome dancing!!!

The New Kids came out for the finale wearing bedazzled Boston Celtics Jerseys, and BSB came out wearing bedazzled Orlando Jerseys. haha. Represent where you're from right??

The man circle

SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! The concert was everything I hoped it would be. I left VERY happy.