Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Analysis of Montreal

So I've been here for a whole 24 hours now, which by no means give me the ability to tell you everything about this place, but I've definitely come to some of my own conclusions already. haha.

First thing I noticed, and it's prolly THE most frustrating thing ever... THERE'S NO ELEVATORS ANYWHERE!!!!!!!! So when you're pushing a stroller around town, it increases the difficulty level immensely. ESPECIALLY when you use the Metro. It's not like those trains are just a few steps underground. It's more like you're going on a caving expedition when you decide to take the train. There's a couple stations we were at today that had escalators, and those are doable, but there's never any escalators taking you out of the station completely. It's like a great big tease. You get off the train and are pleasantly surprised that there's an elevator. You go up only to discover that around the corner where the street exit is, there's 20 more stairs and no elevator or escalator. Let me tell you... Lugging a stroller and a baby up and down stairs is NOT easy. Fail, Montreal... Great big giant FAIL.

I must give credit to the few nice people that helped us when they saw us struggling with the stairs. That was great, but it still doesn't make up for the fact that the access to places here suck. What about the other mothers? Are they just condemned to driving and paying the ridiculous parking costs? Not to mention those confined to wheelchairs.. Grrr... I never realized that something like this would ignite such fire within me...

Dear Montreal. Fix it. The End.


I've also noticed that there's an abnormally large amount of people who smoke. There's a constant stench of cigarette smoke downtown, and people carry cigarettes in their hands inside in anticipation to smoke them outside. Yuck.

The people here are also very stylish. Some more oddly styled than others, but it's quite clear that image matters to these Francophones. This is not a negative observation. haha.

Also... French is EVERYWHERE. Obviously... But it's kind of a lot overwhelming for me. I don't ever know where I am, so the French street signs and billboards add to the frustration of trying to navigate. Everyone we've talked to has a French accent too. I don't know if anyone could live here without knowing the language. Come to think of it, I wonder if anyone who does live here DOESN'T have an accent. Just a thought.

The apartments here are interesting too. I think the area where our place is that we're staying is very European. Each building is very different, so the streets are really interesting and full of character. But the entrances to the apartments seem to be by fire escape-looking stairs. I'll take pictures.

I've pretty much had enough galavanting to last me for a while though. Finding the medical office for my exam today was an absolute gong show, and I'm dreading having to brave the Metro and downtown again... but I have to... twice... blech. But I have until Friday to regain my nerve. That's when I have to go back to the medical office and pick up the results of all the stuff that happened today (blood work, chest x-rays, and physical exam) so I can take them to my interview on Monday. They sure don't make things easy. I even had to get a flu shot and now my arm is sore... :(

It's a little unnerving that through this whole process I've provided the government with EVERYTHING about me. Past and present, inside and out... literally... So bring it on interview. I'm ready for you. I've given them all this personal information already that I've pretty much got nothing left share. All that's left is to convince them that I'm legitimately in love with my husband. But since I don't just go around making babies with anyone, I'm sure it'll be a breeze. haha!

Oh by the way. My son is the best travelling baby ever. He barely made a sound while we were on the 4 hour plane ride. Woot! Just thought you should know. haha.

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