Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today's An Important Day

I've been expanding my definition of happiness lately. Mostly due to awesome experiences and awesome people. Today I have a couple more things that I already knew brought me happiness, but it's been reiterated to me about how much happiness they actually bring me.

1. The Book of Mormon. I admit. My diligence in studying the scriptures has wavered recently. It's not that my testimony of it has lessened, I've just simply become lazy. These past few days, Ray has been a huge inspiration to me in his decision to be more spiritually minded. His actions directly affect mine, so seeing him reading every morning and reminding me that we have to pray every day has helped me get over myself and just pick the scriptures up and read.

So this morning I made sure to read the Book of Mormon. It was wonderful to feel the sense of fulfilment that comes from doing something you know you need to do and have been putting it off for a while. It was also fulfilling because I got new scriptures after I got married, so they're the equivalent to a blank canvas. I've already figured out how I wanted to mark them this time, so as I read, I'm able to mark them up, highlighting the things that are important and relevant to me at this stage of life I'm in right now as a wife and a soon-to-be mother.

Come to think of it... My spirituality is the most important thing I have to offer my son... Yeesh... The responsibility seems so overwhelming. I know that I need to take every opportunity that I can to strengthen my own testimony so that I can be better prepared to follow the Spirit to raise my child. Heaven knows how insufficiently equipped I am to raise a child properly without any Divine guidance. That leaves it up to me to qualify for that Divine guidance. No pressure right???... Ugh... I guess I just need to focus on doing what I can, and knowing that it'll all work out in the end.

I actually read something today on a friends blog that totally inspires me and gives me hope.

"Doing something is better than nothing... And while it wasn't much, it wasn't nothing."

I think this needs to become my new life's motto. Women have a ridiculous talent at coming up with a higher standard of "best" than they're able to accomplish, resulting in a never ending feeling of self-disappointment and regret. Feeling like that sucks, and I'm not exempt. So the trick is realizing that I am doing SOMETHING and that's better than nothing, so I'm good as long as I don't stop. In my heart, I know I'll be a good mother. But sometimes my head doesn't believe that.

The point of all that was that the Book of Mormon makes me happy.

2. Legit Mexican food also brings me happiness. Like a lot of happiness. haha. Today Ray took me to this amazing 24 hour Mexican restaurant where I had a carne asada burrito and a huge thing of horchata. Oh my gosh it was delicious and it's been over a year since I was able to have such happiness fill my belly. I've been incredibly thankful that I'm no longer sick because of my pregnancy, and today that gratitude was amplified ten fold. You think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. I am legitimately joyful as a result of that food. haha.

Anywho... Those are a couple things that reminded me of how happy they make me. Awesome.

Oh and PS.... I got home from my mission two years ago today... Holy cow.... Looking at these pictures of my last night in Arkansas and coming home at the airport is kind of crazy. A lot has happened since then.

And Ray's brother, Donny, got his mission call today to the Washington Spokane Mission and he's reporting in mid September.

Also it's my big brother's 5th anniversary today. Congrats to them!!!

This has sure been an eventful day. I just realized it right now. haha. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. excellen post Alison. My cousins are serving a mission in Spokane. I forget how long they've been out, but have your Brother-in-law keep his eyes out for Elder and Sister Stutz, when he gets out in the field.
