Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Project Seedless Raspberry Jam

The other day my mom mentioned to me that I should make some jam out of the raspberries that grew in our backyard last year and have been in the freezer ever since. I decided that was a great idea, except for the whole jam part because that implies that I leave the annoying raspberry seeds in it. I HATE raspberry seeds... A LOT... So I found a solution. Since my mom is super crafty and just has stuff, she had a jam strainer thingy so I could filter all the nasty seeds out and make a seedless jam!!! Well.. I guess it's more of a jelly then, but still! WOOT!!! NO SEEDS!!!!

It was actually a lot easier than I expected it to be. Making jam seems like such a daunting task. It just SOUNDS hard, but I discovered that's a lie. Jam is easy to make, so come this summer when peaches are better, watch out! I'll be a lean mean peach jam making machine. Peach is my favorite. haha. But for now, seedless raspberry jelly will suffice.

Now all I have to do is actually TRY it. haha. Guess what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow!!

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