Friday, November 4, 2011

My Kid is Fun

So now that Warren has reached a stage where he's actually interactive, I've started recording videos of him. I'm such a typical mother. haha.

This week Warren has started playing in the tub. He used to just lay there in the water and look at me with this "what the heck are you doing to me" look. Now he's discovered that when he kicks, something actually happens. He's actually a bit camera shy in this video but normally, he's got a look of complete bliss on his face when he's kicking around in the water. But this video is still ridiculously cute.

I also went to Babies R Us yesterday to find a rattle for Warren. They have pink rattles, but they don't have any boy rattles. I was disappointed. They DID however have JOLLY JUMPERS!!! Those things are the best, and I know when I was really little that I LOVED it. So because it was on sale, my agency was taken away and I HAD to buy it. hahaha. It took him a little bit, but he eventually started figuring it out. Enjoy. My kid is amazing.

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