Monday, September 26, 2011

My Awesome Childhood

Recently I was watching TV with my mom and we were just flipping through channels. We found Jem on the kids TV station.

I sure hope you know what Jem is. Here's a reminder.

That show was one of the many that carried me through my childhood. My generation really did have the best entertainment ever. So I decided that it was necessary to compile a list of shows and movies that I loved as a kid so that I could share them with Warren as he grows. I'll teach him that even though the styles were whacked, and the graphics weren't the quality they are today, it's still quality TV. He's going to appreciate the 90's.

Funny story. I stayed at my uncle and aunts house for a couple of days last week, and my aunt and I were watching ALF. My 13 year old cousin came to see what we were watching, and after a few minutes he gave us the greatest "what the crap is this" look I've ever seen in my life. Clearly he hasn't been educated about the awesomeness that is the 90's. haha...

I put a post on Facebook asking my friends to suggest amazing shows and movies from the 90's so that I could start compiling this list for Warren's future. Here's a bit of what we came up with.

Yeah... I think that's a good start. There's plenty more on the list, but these are the ones I'm most excited about. haha! My kid is gonna be the most awesome kid ever!!!


  1. Good choices. And by the way, my entire family LOVES Alf!

  2. I LOVE a lot of those shows, but I'm thinking you must have some Canadian shows on there... I haven't heard of a couple of those.
