Monday, September 26, 2011

He Eats. Then He eats.

And oh yeah. He eats some more!!!

I was pretty proud of myself for getting Warren on a four hour sleeping schedule, but the last day or so he's been hungry way more often and more fussy than usual and I had no idea what that was all about. So thanks to the trusty internet, I found out that he's going through his first growth spurt.

I guess it makes sense. His cheeks are definitely chubbier, and he's no longer curling up into a little ball like he used to do all the time. He's starting to stretch out more, which I find entertaining because his little legs are still scrawny and way cute. He's also filling out his clothes better, even though he still only fits in newborn size clothes. Compared to when he was a week old when his onesies were still pretty loose, now they look like they're actually the right size. The clothes that are the 0-3 month size are still too big though. haha. But who knows. Maybe he'll be fitting into them soon. That kinda freaks me out though... I like him small and I don't want him to start growing THAT fast.. Yeesh... Some things I just can't stop though.

Right now I don't know how much he weighs. When I took him for his two week check up, he was 7 lbs 6 oz, but that was almost two weeks ago, so he's got to be at least 8 lbs by now. I might go find out soonish how much he weighs though. I have to stop by a Public Health Center to pick up my immunization record which they need for the immigration interview. Conveniently that's the place where they weigh babies too. I figure while I'm there I might as well get him weighed to satisfy my curiosity.

Thankfully this growth spurt only lasts a couple days. Feeding him twice as much for twice as long is... painful... Good thing he's so dang cute.

Here's a comparison so you can see his growth.

One Week old 

Three Weeks old

The onesies are the same brand an same size so you can totally see how two weeks ago they were super loose and now, not so much. haha.

Anyways.. Can I just state how satisfying it is when researching things to find the exact answers? Because when I was trying to figure out what was going on with Warren, what I was reading described EXACTLY what was going on. It was pretty awesome. I didn't even have to say that was mostly what was going on. Every single symptom or behavior that was described was exactly fitting for Warren. I was so satisfied. I hope as he continues to grow that I'll be able to keep finding such helpful information. (Hey. I can dream.)

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