Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Last Days

This week couldn't be more exciting for me!!! I can potentially have my baby ANY DAY NOW!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!! No more being pregnant!!!!!! No more heart burn!!!!! No more peeing every hour!!!!!! I'll finally get to care for my little boy and realize that the extreme discomfort of pregnancy really was all worth it. WOOT!!!!!

My husband is flying up here on Thursday night, and I have my final doctor appointment the next day. Ray will finally be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Better late then never I guess... And that's also entirely conditional on whether or not the baby decides to come before then (prayers that that won't happen are encouraged and appreciated).

Friday I will also be getting "labor inducing acupuncture" which is surprisingly effective. My sister-in-law had it done and was having contractions three hours later. I was reading up on it myself and it's apparently quite effective. 88% of the women that have labor inducing acupuncture deliver their baby within 48 hours. So if it works for me, then I will have successfully avoided an artificial induction. Of course, if I'm part of the 12% that it doesn't work for then c'est la vie... I'm scheduled for a hospital induction on Monday or Tuesday next week. So... Pretty much whenever they call me and tell me they're ready for me. haha. Either way. Within the next week-ish I will be holding my baby in my arms. SO AWESOME!!!! And I'll have my husband with me!!! EVEN MORE AWESOME!!!!!

Our little family begins!!!

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