Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Great Bedroom Cleaning of 2011

I've kinda been living in a mess of a bedroom pretty much ever since I moved back home after Ray had to go back to Colorado. First I was too sick to go through all the boxes, but then as I started getting better-ish, mom was on my case to clean up and organize things to make moving to the States that much easier when the time comes. In theory, that's a great idea... But in practice, it sucks. Alas, I finally got around to it today. It was a huge deep clean and I'm quite proud of myself for it. I should get a #1 Wife sticker or something...

Here's the before...

And the after...

It's so much less disastrous! And I also realized that there actually isn't that much left over stuff that I'll need to bring with me when the big move to the States finally happens. That's a relief.

Now the trick is keeping it that way... Maybe this will help motivate me...

In other news... The lack of Diclectin has turned out to be an utter failure. As the day progressed, I started feeling worse and worse, so I gave in and took the remaining pills and called to get my prescription refilled... Sigh...

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