Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Husband and His Art

As previously mentioned, my husband is quite talented when it comes to artsy stuff. It's been his dream to make a living off of it, and this is where I shamelessly promote what he does. haha...

His whole goal is to put his art up online, and have business cards not only to give people his contact info, but also directing them to a site where they can see what he's done. So his site is http://maxemis.blogspot.com.

And also I must state that I'm way excited for him to get this going. I've never seen him so excited to draw and come up with designs he's never done before. He's got the people skills to make the necessary connections and the drive to make it work. Here's to Ray for getting this started!

By the way... I saw this particular piece of art for the first time while I was on my mission. Ray drew this for one of my companions and when I saw it, my thought was "oh the hot Elder!". Fast forward two years later, when I was talking to him for the first time since my first transfer, THIS is what I remembered that brought all the puzzle pieces together and I remembered who this Elder Whitcomb was that started talking to me randomly via text message. Thank you graffiti. You brought us together again. Anywho... Continuing on with the husband bragging.

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